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Marcia Pinvidic joined Sweet Adelines international in 1979.  She served at the chorus level in every capacity from Chapter President to choreographer.  She is a Certified Director and over 15 years directed two Sweet Adeline choruses and one BHS chorus.  Her formal music training includes piano with the Royal Conservatory of Toronto and two years of voice lessons.  Marcia was a member of the International Board of Directors for eight years and served as International President 2014-2016. She is a Certified Expression Judge and served as Judge Specialist Moderator and Expression Category Specialist.  Marcia is the current chair of the Education Direction Committee.   She lives in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada with her husband Dennis.  They have two sons and four grandchildren. 


QUARTET RETREAT – OR IS IT?  Like everything else in 2020 (and now 2021!), the Region 25 Quartet Retreat will look a little different this year. Surprise! We’ll be having a virtual event!  What will not be different is that we have top-notch education lined up for ALL members – not just quartets. 


7:00pm Zoom room open

7:25pm Quartet parade (send photos of your quartet to mary.rhea@att.net)

7:30pm Talk Time with TITANIUM  (Sweet Adelines International 2nd place quartet) Grab your favorite snack as well as your questions for some talk time with TITANIUM! There will be “sectionals” where your part specific questions will be answered. Then join us for a group session where TITANIUM will answer general questions you have always wanted to ask them!


9:30am Zoom room open

10:00am Expression Category – Not Just for Contest  (Marcia Pinvidic) An overview of the category and its role in creating authentic performances of all music – contest and beyond.  

11:00am Dealing with Performance Anxiety – What Performance??  (Marcia Pinvidic) Tips for dealing with performance anxiety with particular emphasis on rebuilding performance skills.

12:00pm Lunch

12:30pm Name that Queen Quartet – enjoy your lunch and some good music!

1:00pm Reclaiming our Musical Joy (Marcia Pinvidic) Discussion of what music brings to our lives and how we can continue to benefit from that as we plan and set goals for what comes next in our journey.   

2:00pm Q&A with Marcia

2:30pm Introduction to Song Assessment Tool (Mary Rhea) The Song Assessment Tool informs us about the songs we sing.  Quartets and choruses alike will benefit from learning about this process.  Join Mary  for an introduction to the new tool.  Learning about the songs we sing is fascinating!  



Friday night:  https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcuc-uvrzgsEtdSKoLli_mJjgMm34HM4NbQ

Saturday Morning:  https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYlc-uprTsiG9AxqawqRGz2JP_xF-zYUOH9

Saturday Afternoon:  https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUkf-iurT8qGN2E6Fv502bAM7m-5mStziIo


Region 25 is happy to be able to offer this event for free.  Please use this link if you would like to donate to Region 25:

Donation page:  https://form.jotform.com/202925051691958