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9:30am – Zoom Meeting Opens 


10:00am – Breathing to SingLori Lyford – Learn about the anatomy of breathing and gain some hands-on techniques for getting control (and freedom) over your breathing. Get more breath in and help it to last longer.


11:00am – The Magic of CommunicationLori Lyford – In our attempts to gain exquisitely produced SOUND we may have overlooked some important ingredients of COMMUNICATION.  This class will explore some of the interesting, if not strange, things we do when our only focus is on singing with smoothly connected sound.  This hour will invite us to turn our attention to the important of communication.


12noon – Lunch Break 


Afternoon Registration


1:00pm – The Struggle is Real, Now What? – Balancing the realities of uncertain times while trying to stay motivated and engaged – Lindsay Chartier-Holdeman – In this class we will acknowledge the realities and struggles we are facing today and talk about how we, as leaders, members, and individuals, can find ways to motivate/self-motivate and be engaged during this unprecedented time. There will be opportunities for participation, discussion and sharing of ideas.



1:00pm Director, Teacher, CoachLori Lyford – This class is for Directors, Assistant Directors and Musical Leaders.  It is difficult to be highly skilled in all three areas, all the time. I’ll share some conducting tips, ideas about teaching adults, and thoughts on how you can be a good coach for your chorus.  Be prepared with questions to pose.  As time allows, we’ll talk about anything!



2:30pm Selling the Song – Sing it and Mean It Lori Lyford – Being an expressive singer means a lot more than raising your eyebrows!  In this class we’ll look at three general areas through which we can learn to be more expressive. These are Lyric, Physical, and Mental/Emotional expressiveness.



3:30pm – Q & A  Bring any or all questions to the Chat and we’ll address as many as possible.


Donation Form


Lori video


Lindsay video